Winter 2010
44 Grey
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, City of Winnipeg
Winnipeg Transit Routes (Winter 2010)
44 Grey (Saturday, Both Ways)

General Map Controls:

Map Day of Week:

Map Time:
Cur. Map Time: Loading...

Buses in Service: Loading...

Weekday Saturday Sunday
05:15-26:18 (21:03) 05:20-26:18 (20:58) 06:32-25:15 (18:43)

Weekday to Harbour View SouthWeekday to Downtown
Saturday to Harbour View SouthSaturday to Downtown
Sunday to Harbour View SouthSunday to Downtown

Runs (Rush-Hr Run):
Weekday Saturday Sunday
44-1 (05:15-19:50) 44-1 (05:20-26:00) 44-1 (06:32-25:15)
44-2 (05:39-26:18) 44-2 (06:00-26:18) 44-2 (07:01-24:37)
44-3 (05:43-17:37) 44-3 (07:28-20:20)
44-4 (06:03-26:00)
44-5 (06:12-08:39)
44-6 (06:14-09:03)
44-7 (06:50-08:16)
44-8 (14:46-17:57)
44-9 (15:12-18:22)
44-10 (15:36-18:41)
44-11 (15:56-18:18)
44-12 (16:11-17:31)
44-13 (16:16-19:11)
44-14 (16:46-18:15)
55-8 (06:37-18:14)

Route Combinations:
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via Louelda (31)
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via London (31)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (30)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via London (27)
Munroe at London - Filbert Bus Loop via London (2)
Main at Pioneer - Filbert Bus Loop via London (2)
Main at Pioneer - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (2)
Filbert Bus Loop - London at Munroe via London (1)
Munroe at London - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (1)
Filbert Bus Loop - Main at Pioneer via London (1)
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via Louelda (19)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (19)
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via London (19)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via London (18)
Munroe at London - Filbert Bus Loop via London (1)
Filbert Bus Loop - London at Munroe via London (1)
Munroe at London - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (1)
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via Louelda (14)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via Louelda (13)
Filbert Bus Loop - Broadway via London (13)
Broadway - Filbert Bus Loop via London (13)
Main at Pioneer - Filbert Bus Loop via London (1)


Filter Lines on Map:

10351 Eastbound Higgins at Point Douglas
10352 Westbound Higgins at Boyle
10353 Westbound Higgins at Maple
10354 Eastbound Higgins at McArthur
10355 Eastbound Higgins at McFarlane
10356 Westbound Higgins at McFarlane
10357 Westbound Higgins at Annabella
10358 Eastbound Higgins at Annabella
10359 Westbound Higgins at Waterfront
10360 Eastbound Higgins at Waterfront
10363 Westbound Higgins at Main
10368 Eastbound Higgins at Maple
10602 Northbound Memorial at Broadway
10604 Northbound Memorial at York
10611 Eastbound Graham at Fort (Winnipeg Square)
10612 Westbound Graham at Garry (Winnipeg Square)
10614 Westbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre)
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre)
10617 Westbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10627 Northbound Main at Pioneer
10628 Northbound Main at McDermot
10629 Northbound Main at James (Concert Hall)
10630 Northbound Main at Logan
10631 Northbound Main at Higgins
10632 Southbound Main at Henry
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander
10634 Southbound Main at James
10635 Southbound Main at William (City Hall)
10636 Southbound Main at McDermot
10638 Southbound Main at Pioneer
10699 Southbound Kennedy at Graham
10700 Southbound Kennedy at St. Mary
10701 Southbound Kennedy at York
10703 Northbound Vaughan at St. Mary
10704 Northbound Vaughan at Graham (The Bay)
10864 Southbound Kennedy at Broadway North
30100 Westbound Higgins at Sutherland
30101 Eastbound Higgins at Sutherland
40059 Northbound Gateway at Furniture Park
40108 Eastbound Burnett at Gateway
40122 Eastbound Burnett at Brunswick
40123 Southbound Brunswick at Red Oak
40129 Southbound Brunswick at Furniture Park
40132 Southbound Brunswick at McLeod
40233 Westbound McLeod at Stefanie
40234 Eastbound McLeod at Sorley
40246 Northbound Louelda at McLeod
40247 Northbound Louelda at Stacey
40248 Northbound Louelda at Tu Pelo
40249 Northbound Louelda at Meighen
40250 Northbound Louelda at Antrim
40251 Northbound Louelda at Treger
40252 Northbound Louelda at Kimberly
40253 Northbound Louelda at Concordia
40255 Northbound Louelda at Simpson
40256 Northbound Louelda at Fleming
40257 Northbound Louelda at Moncton
40264 Westbound McLeod at Louelda
40265 Eastbound McLeod at Louelda
40266 Southbound Louelda at Stacey
40267 Southbound Louelda at Tu Pelo
40268 Southbound Louelda at Tomlinson
40269 Southbound Louelda at Antrim
40270 Southbound Louelda at Green Valley
40271 Southbound Louelda at Concordia
40273 Southbound Louelda at Consol
40274 Southbound Louelda at Prince Rupert
40275 Southbound Louelda at Munroe
40276 Westbound Munroe at Byars
40277 Eastbound Munroe at Byars
40278 Westbound McLeod at Brunswick
40282 Westbound Munroe at Besant
40283 Eastbound Munroe at Besant
40290 Westbound McLeod at Gateway
40291 Eastbound McLeod at Gateway
40292 Westbound McLeod at Gateway East
40293 Eastbound McLeod at Gateway East
40294 Westbound McLeod at London
40295 Eastbound McLeod at London
40297 Northbound London at Amelia
40298 Southbound London at Tu Pelo
40299 Northbound London at Tu Pelo
40300 Southbound London at Reay
40301 Northbound London at Reay
40302 Northbound London at Hobbs
40303 Southbound London at Hobbs
40304 Southbound London at Antrim
40305 Northbound London at Antrim
40306 Westbound Kimberly at London
40307 Southbound London at Kimberly
40309 Northbound London at Simpson
40310 Northbound London at Fleming
40311 Northbound London at Government
40312 Westbound Munroe at London
40316 Southbound London at Concordia
40317 Southbound London at Simpson
40318 Southbound London at Government
40319 Southbound London at Munroe
40320 Eastbound Munroe at London
40324 Northbound Grey at Munroe
40325 Northbound Grey at Hoskin
40326 Northbound Grey at Wynten
40327 Northbound Grey at Harbison
40328 Northbound Grey at Martin
40329 Northbound Grey at Chalmers
40330 Northbound Grey at Windsor
40333 Westbound Castle at Grey
40334 Northbound Grey at Riverton
40338 Southbound Grey at Talbot
40340 Westbound Talbot at Eaton
40341 Eastbound Talbot at Eaton
40343 Westbound Munroe at Grey
40344 Eastbound Munroe at Grey
40345 Southbound Grey at Munroe
40346 Southbound Grey at Hoskin
40347 Southbound Grey at Wynten
40348 Southbound Grey at Harbison
40349 Southbound Grey at Union
40350 Southbound Grey at Windsor
40355 Eastbound Munroe at Gateway
40380 Northbound Brunswick at Furniture Park
40456 Westbound Talbot at Elmwood
40457 Eastbound Talbot at Elmwood
40458 Eastbound Talbot at Watt
40459 Westbound Talbot at Watt
40460 Westbound Talbot at Allan
40461 Eastbound Talbot at Allan
40462 Northbound Brunswick at Red Oak
40463 Westbound Talbot at Stadacona
40467 Eastbound Talbot at Stadacona
40469 Northbound Stadacona at William Newton
40472 Southbound Stadacona at Nairn
40516 Southbound Levis at Johnson
40534 Westbound Burnett at Brunswick
40669 Southbound London at Fleming
40686 Westbound Burnett at Gateway
40687 Southbound Louelda at Kimberly
40694 Westbound Grassie at Molson
40695 Eastbound Grassie at Pearn
40696 Southbound McLellan at Williamson
40697 Southbound McLellan at Howard Kendel
40698 Southbound McLellan at Concordia
40699 Eastbound Filbert Bus Loop at Filbert Loop
40700 Northbound McLellan at Concordia
40701 Northbound McLellan at Rutledge
40702 Southbound Gateway at Furniture Park
40703 Westbound Grassie at Pearn
40704 Eastbound Grassie at Molson
40767 Northbound McLellan at Williamson
40769 Eastbound Concordia at Filbert
40770 Westbound Concordia at Rutledge
40803 Westbound Grassie at Ham
40804 Eastbound Grassie at Ham
40813 Northbound Stadacona at Talbot
40814 Northbound Stadacona at Tweed
40815 Northbound Stadacona at Gordon
40816 Northbound Levis at Johnson
40817 Eastbound Chalmers at Elmwood School
40818 Eastbound Chalmers at Raleigh
40825 Westbound Chalmers at Elmwood School
40826 Southbound Stadacona at Gordon
40827 Southbound Stadacona at Tweed
40828 Southbound Stadacona at Talbot
40829 Northbound Gateway at Nottingham
40830 Northbound Gateway at Dallenlea
40831 Southbound Gateway at Munroe
40832 Southbound Gateway at Dallenlea
40835 Southbound Gateway at Nottingham
40836 Southbound Gateway at Chalmers
40848 Eastbound Grassie at Lagimodiere
40849 Westbound Grassie at Lagimodiere